1966, California and U.S. District Court, Central District of California; 1974, U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit; 1981, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California; 1983, U.S. District Court, Northern District of Indiana; 1985, U.S. Supreme C
Law School
University of California at Los Angeles, J.D., 1965
Law School Graduation Year
University of California at Los Angeles, A.B., 1962
Santa Barbara County Bar Association; State Bar of California; Consumer Attorneys of California; The Association of Trial Lawyers of America.
Phi Delta Phi. Recipient, Distinguished Service Award, Lambda Chi Alpha, 2002. Listed in: Best Lawyers of America, Woodward-White, 1993-1994; Best Lawyers of America, 1997-1999. Author: Preparing CEOs for Trial, Trial Diplomacy Journal, Nov/Dec 1992; When Your Company Goes to Trial. Leaders Magazine, April-June 1992; Trial Tactics in Business Cases, Daily Journal, July 28, 1995; Selecting a Jury for a Complex Trial, Trial, October 1996; Lender Liability-What Your Client Need to Know, Consumer Attorneys of California Forum, November 1996; Avoid Being a Victim of Lender Liability, Corporate Controller, May/June 1997; How a Borrower Can Use Lender Liability to Attack a Trustee's Sale in a Non-judicial Foreclosure, Real Estate Finance Journal, Fall 1998; A Contingency Fee Business Litigation Practice, American Journal of Trial Advocacy, October 1999; Loan Workouts: The Renegotiation Process, The Journal of Corporate Renewal, March 2000; Workouts: A Solid Alternative to Bankruptcy Court, The Real Estate Finance Journal, Fall 2000; Challenging the Practices of the Recording Industry, Los Angeles Lawyer, May 2002; Contract Wars, Los Angeles Music Network, May 2002. Co-Author: Lender Liability, 2nd Ed. LEXIS Publishing, Dec. 1993 (Book); Exercise of Undue Control By a Lender Over a Borrower, American Jurisprudence, Proof of Facts, 3d 695, Vol. 15, Feb. 1992; Lender Liability: A Practical Guide, Bureau of National Affairs, Dec. 1987. Lecturer: Winning a Business Jury Trial - Preparing and Presenting Your Closing Argument, American Bar Association Consortium for Professional Education Videolaw Seminar, Nov. 1991 and Nov. 1990; Prosecution and Defense of a Lender Liability Lawsuit, American Law Institute-American Bar Association, Nov. 1990 and March, 1989; Lender Liability Issues in Capital Markets Transactions, 28th Annual Benjamin S. Crocker Symposium, April 30, 1999; Contracts in the Music Industry, Beverly Hills Bar Association, 2002.