1973, California; 1977, U.S. Supreme Court
Law School
University of Chicago, J.D., 1971
Law School Graduation Year
St. John's College, B.A., cum laude, 1968
State Bar of California.
Instructor and Senior Bigelow Fellow, University of Chicago Law School, 1971-1973. Adjunct Professor, in Law and Economics, Golden Gate University, San Francisco, 1983—. Author: The California Civil Code, 5 Journal of Western Legal History 13, 1992; Hard Rock Mining and the Antitrust Laws: When Too Much is Really Too Much, Ninth Circuit Survey, 15 Golden Gate University Law Review 49, 1985; Eliminating Affirmative Defenses in Antitrust Treble Damages Actions: Symbolic Control, Inc. v. IBM, Ninth Circuit Survey, 11 Golden Gate University Law Review 241, 1981; A New and Legal Pun in Chaucer, 89 Law Quarterly Review (UK) 345, 1973; Criminal Trial and Appellate Guide, (associate to Marshall Patner), IICLE, 1974.