Law School
Loyola University, J.D., 1987
Law School Graduation Year
Loyola University, B.M., 1984; Loyola University, M.B.A., 1987
New Orleans, Louisiana State and American Bar Associations; American Bankruptcy Institute.
Beta Gamma Sigma. Member, 1985-1987, and Articles/Comments Editor, 1986-1987, Loyola University Law Review. Author: An Inquiry into the Possessor's Protection Against the State, 32 Loy. L. Review 231, 1986; Corporal Punishment v. Classroom Discipline: A Case of Mistaken Identity, 34 Loy. L. Rev. 35, 1988; Fifth Circuit Symposium - Bankruptcy, 35 Loy. L. Rev., 1989; Chapter 13 - Overview of Developing Areas, Louisiana State University Law Center, 1991; Pros and Cons of Filing a Chapter 7 of 13 Bankruptcy Case: How to Choose Between the Two, LSU Law Center, 1992; An Alternative to Redemption and Reaffirmation for Chapter 7 Debtors,: 40 La. Bar J. 447, 1992; Bankruptcy and Gambling -- The Future, LSU Law Center, 1995; Recent Developments in Bankruptcy, LSU Law Center, 1995; Fifth Circuit Update, Baton Rouge Bar Assoc. Bankruptcy Seminar, 1995; Section 544 and 548 Avoidance Actions, LSU Law Center, 1996; Avoidance Actions, LSU Law Center, 1997-1999. Law Clerk to Louis M. Phillips, Judge, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Middle District of Louisiana, 1988-1989.