Edward B. Witte

Environmental, Mediation
U.S. Bank Center, 777 East Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 3800
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 532025367



1989, Wisconsin

Law School

Vermont Law School, J.D., cum laude, M.S.E.L., magna cum laude, 1989

Law School Graduation Year



University of Vermont, B.A., 1983


Milwaukee and American Bar Associations; State Bar of Wisconsin.


Recipient, American Jurisprudence Award in Law of Water Resources. Author: Toxic Mold: A Real, ‘Growing’ Concern, ABA Section of Environment, Energy and Resources Environmental Transactions, Audits and Brownfields Committee Newsletter, vol. 4, no. 3 (July 2002) and The Environmental Counselor, issue 159 (November 2001); A State of Change: Wisconsin Implements Wetlands Mitigation Rules and Hastily Crafts Post SWANCC Wetlands Protection Laws, ABA Section of Environment, Energy and Resources Water Quality and Wetlands Committee Newsletter, Vol. 3, No. 3 (October 2001); Ruling Increases Wetlands Development, Commercial Investment Real Estate Magazine (July/August 2001); Bye Bye Birdies? Commercial Realty Review, vol. 13, no. 2 (March/April 2001); Wetlands Rules Were for the Birds, Real Estate Finance Journal (Summer 2001), Andrews Hazardous Waste Litigation Reporter (April 2001), Milwaukee Business Journal (March 2, 2001); The Deal on Deed Restrictions, ABA Section of Natural Resources, Energy and Environmental Law Transactions and Brownfields Newsletter; Parent Corporation Liability, 1998 ABA Section of Natural Resources, Energy and Environmental Law Year in Review; Environmental Lender Liability: Searching for Safe Harbors in the Wake of Kelley v. EPA, 1 Wisconsin Environmental Law Journal 1 , Spring 1994; Realizing Maximum Value When Holding and Liquidating Contaminated Property, 9 Commercial Lending Review 4, Fall 1994; No Band-Aid Approach Can Heal The Woes of CERCLA, Corporate Legal Times, Vol. 5 No. 40, March 1995. Member, 1993—, Federation of Environmental Technologists. Co-Chair, 1998-1999, Milwaukee Bar Association Environmental Law Section. Chairman, 1994-1997, Greater Milwaukee Toxics Minimization Task Force. Chairman, 1997-1998, Pollution Prevention Partnership. Member, 1995-1998, Vermont Law School Alumni Association Board of Directors. Trustee, 1997—, Village of Bayside, Wisconsin. Member, 1997-2000, Riveredge Nature Center Board of Directors. Member, 1995-1999, Sixteenth Street Com
