Frank A. Fertitta

Medical Malpractice, Mediation
Two United Plaza, Suite 200, 8550 United Plaza Boulevard
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809

Medical Malpractice


1967, Louisiana

Law School

Louisiana State University and A. and M. College, J.D., 1967

Law School Graduation Year



Louisiana State University and A. and M. College, B.S., 1964


Baton Rouge (Member, Board of Directors, 1984-1986; Treasurer, 1986-1987; Secretary, 1987-1988; President-Elect, 1988-1989; President, 1989-1990), Louisiana State (Member, House of Delegates, 1976-1991; 1993— Member, Board of Governors, 1991-1993; Member, Nominating Committee, 1993;1994, 2000, 2002, 2003) and American Bar Associations; Louisiana Association of Defense Counsel (Member, Board of Directors, 1992-1994); Dean Henry G. McMahon Inn of Court (Membership Chairman, 1995-1999).


Phi Alpha Delta. Adjunct Associate Professor, Louisiana State University Law School, 1978—. Mediator, Mediation Arbitration Professional Systems, Inc., 2000—.


Capt., USAR, 1968-1974