J. Rudy Martin

Insurance, Mediation
1600 Laidley Tower, P.O. Box 553
Charleston, West Virginia 25322



1990, West Virginia, U.S. District Court, Northern and Southern Districts of West Virginia and U.S. Court of Appeals, Fourth Circuit

Law School

College of William and Mary, J.D., 1990

Law School Graduation Year



Emory & Henry College, B.A., cum laude, 1973


Kanawha County and American Bar Associations; West Virginia State Bar (Member, Section of Dispute Resolution Member; Ethics and Corporate ADR Sub Committees); Defense Trial Counsel of West Virginia; Brain Injury Association, Inc.; Brain Injury Association of West Virginia, Inc.; Martinsville-Henry County (VA) Association of Life Underwriters (Former Member; President 1983-1984); Defense Research Institute.


Training Counsel Fellow. Moot Court. Chartered Financial Consultant. Chartered Life Underwriter. Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter. Chartered Life Underwriter. American Inns of Court. Presenter, Indemnification Issues, Jackson & Kelly Insurance Industry Seminars;Presenter/Panelist/Coach, West Virginia State Bar Basic and Advanced Mediation Training Seminars;Accident and Insurance Law Series, Legal Ease, KCS-TV channel 11, Winter/Spring 2001;Defense Research Institute, Alternative Dispute Resolution Faculty; National Business Institute Seminar, Insurance Law: Third Party Coverage in West Virginia, 2002; Coordinator/Presenter, The West Virginia State Bar Law School Alternate Dispute Resolution Program, West Virginia University College of Law, March 29, 2003; The Colonial Lawyer: A Journal of Virginia Law and Public Policy, Editorial Staff, 1989-1990; Lees-Haley, P.R. & Martin, J.R. Evaluating Mild Brain Injury Claims, 2000 Jackson & Kelly PLLC; Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Kindler, Gentler Approach to Resolving Business Issues, West Virginia Executive Magazine, Spring 2001, also published as A Mediaçáo: Um Instrumento Valioso Para As Empresas, in Mediaçáo compiled and edited by José Vasconcelos-Sousa, Quimera 2002;Venti, K.; Martin, J.R.; Glover, M.A.; and Givens, D.S., Fighting for the Full Offset in Deliberate Intention Exception Claims: Strategies and Considerations for Pre-Trial, Settlement, and Trial, 2001 W.Va. D.T.C. 184, June 2001;Martin, J.R.; Obenchain, J.M., Agreements to Purchase Insurance: Avoiding The Illusion of Coverage, 2002 W.Va. D.T.C. 196, June 2002. Alternate Dispute Resolution Committee Member; ADR Training, Rules and Arbitration Sub Committees Member; Arbitration Sub Committee Chairman; Mental Disability and the Law Committee Member; Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee Liaison for West Virginia; ADR Advocacy in the Practice of Law Committee Member; Insurance Law Committee Member and State Liaison, Bad Faith and First Party Insurance Sub-Committees M
