James J. Hoecker

Conflict, Mediation
3000 K Street, N.W., Suite 300
Washington, District of Columbia 20007



1978, Wisconsin; 1988, District of Columbia

Law School

University of Wisconsin, J.D., 1978

Law School Graduation Year



Northland College, B.A., cum laude, 1967; University of Kentucky, M.A., 1970; University of Kentucky


American Bar Association; Energy Bar Association.


Phi Delta Phi. Legal Writing Instructor, University of Wisconsin. Author: The NEPA Mandate and Federal Regulation of the Natural Gas Industry, 13 Energy L. Il. 265, 1992; FERC Changes the Rules of the Game, Petroleum Economist, July 1992; New State Restrictions on Gas and Oil Production: A Domestic OPEC? Natural Resources and Environment Magazine (ABA), Summer 1992; Used and Useful: Autopsy of a Ratemaking Policy, 8 Energy L. Jl. 303, 1987; Section INS 3.39, Wisconsin Administrative Code: The Origins and Development of a Medicare Supplement Insurance Regulation, The Insurance Law Journal, February 1979. Chairman, 1997-2001 and Commissioner, 1993-1997, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
