1974, Kansas and California (inactive)
Law School
Hastings College of Law, University of California, J.D., 1973
Law School Graduation Year
Ludwig-Albert University; University of Wisconsin-Madison, B.S., 1968
Wichita, Kansas and American Bar Associations; American College of Bankruptcy; American Bankruptcy Institute; National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges (Secretary, 1999-2000).
Editor and Chapter Author: Kansas Bar Association Bankruptcy Handbook, 3d ed. 1995. Co-Author: Kansas Bar Association Personal Property Secured Transactions Handbook, 2d ed. 1994; National Association of Credit Management Manual of Commercial Laws, NACM 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1995. Professor of Law, Presidents College School of Law, Wichita, Kansas, 2000-2003. Assistant United States Trustee, 1979-1982.