1978, Maine and U.S. District Court, District of Maine; 1979, U.S. Court of Appeals, First Circuit
Law School
University of Maine,, J.D., 1978
Law School Graduation Year
Boston College, A.B., 1975
Maine State and American (Member, Sections on: Torts and Insurance Practice; Criminal Justice) Bar Associations; Defense Research Institute.
Member, University of Maine Law Review, 1976-1978. Author: Contributor, Commentary to Maine Juvenile Code, published by West Publishing Co., Vol. 8, Maine Revised Statutes Annotated, 1980. Assistant Attorney General, State of Maine, 1979-1982. Assistant District Attorney, Prosecutorial District #1, Alfred, Maine, 1982-1984. Chairman: Committee to Monitor Implementation of the Juvenile Code, 1981-1983; Criminal Law Advisory Commission, 1983-1989, Chair, 1987-1989; Maine Juvenile Justice Advisory Group, 1985-2000, Chair, 1990-1997.