1988, Texas; registered to practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Law School
University of Oklahoma, J.D., with honors, 1988; University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, LL.M., 1998
Law School Graduation Year
University of Oklahoma, B.S., Mech. Engr., 1984
American Bar Association; State Bar of Texas; Texas Bar Foundation.
Phi Delta Phi; Order of the Coif. Member, Oklahoma Law Review, 1986-1988. National Moot Court Team, 1987-1988. Author: A Comparative Analysis of the Doctrine of Equivalents: Can European Approaches Solve an American Dilemma?, 39 IDEA: J. Law & Tech. 35 (1998); Constitutional Law: Can the President of the United States Force His Military Advisors to Testify When They Wish to Claim their Privilege Against Self- Incrimination?, 40 Okla. L. Rev. 673 (1987). Instructor and Senior Instructor, Legal Research and Writing/Appellate Advocacy, University of Oklahoma College of Law, 1986-1988. Associate, 1988-1994, and Partner, 1995-1997, Carrington, Coleman, Sloman & Blumenthal, L.L.P., Dallas, Texas.