Stephen B. Johnson

Government, Mediation
Suite 1000 The Chancery, 1120 Lincoln Street
Denver, Colorado 80203



1980, Colorado and U.S. District Court, District of Colorado; 1984, U.S. Court of Appeals, 10th Circuit

Law School

University of Colorado, School of Law, J.D., 1980

Law School Graduation Year



Colorado College, B.A., cum laude, 1977


Seventh Judicial District, Two Terms (Former Member, Bench-Bar Committee), Colorado and American (Member, Sections on: Environment, Energy and Resources Law; Real Property, Probate and Trust Law; Urban, State and Local Government) Bar Associations.


Author: State Approaches to Solar Legislation: A Survey, 1 Solar Law Reporter 1, June 1979; Juvenile Law and Practice Concerning Dependent or Neglected Children in Colorado: A View from the Trenches, Legal Advocacy for Children, 1986. Co-Chairman, CU Law Environmental Law Institute. Telluride Town Attorney, 1986-1992. Assistant Mesa County Attorney, 1983-1986. (Resident, Telluride Office)
