Suzanne F. Walter

Divorce Mediator

Westminster, Colorado 80031


Alimony, Asset Distribution, Child Custody, Child Support Modification, Divorce, Divorce Modification and Enforcement, Domestic Relations, Family, Legal Separation

Suzanne Walter has been mediating for over 25 years. She works primarily with Domestic cases, although she has mediated Juvenile parenting plans, Dependency and Neglect cases and Truancy cases for the Denver Public Schools.

Ms. Walter has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Delaware and Master’s of Psychology degree from the University of Northern Colorado.  She was a Child Custody Evaluator for Adams, Jefferson and Arapahoe Counties for15 years

Ms. Walter received her mediator training through the Center for Dispute Resolution in 1986. She has worked with over 4000 cases.  Because of her background and experience, she is effective in settling difficult issues..

Couples marry thinking that they will spend the rest of their lives together. This may not always be the case. When a marriage ends, it is difficult to keep your emotions in check while dividing up the life you lived together.  It can be one of the hardest times in life.  Worries about the future, the well being of the children, finances and debts can be overwhelming.  I understand these concerns.

With over 25 years of experience, I am a reliable name in Domestic  Mediation. Through my work at Suzanne Walter,  LPC, I offer my services as a Divorce Mediator throughout the  Denver Metro area.  I have been mediating for over 25 years and I have worked with over 3000  cases.  As a former Child Custody Evaluator and Licensed Counselor, I am attuned to the difficult issues of families and children.  It is important to me to understand my client’s wants and needs to assist them  in effectively resolving the elements of their divorce or separation.

Mediation helps families collaborate on issues of  parenting time, decision making, child support, maintenance, division of assets and debts, in a way that works for them. Because of my experience, I can offer parties objective choices, which other families in similar situations have utilized.  These are choices that  take into account work schedules, distances, drive times,  financial constraints and lifestyles.

One of the other  benefits of mediation is that families can streamline the time it takes to resolve their  issues or divorce, and realize a significant financial saving with limited Court time.

In addition to the financial issues in a divorce, I am skilled at helping families work out detailed parenting plans.  Because of  my mental health background, I am creative in assisting couples with  effectively  working out parenting plans for parents and/or children with special needs.

If you feel that my services as a divorce mediator could be right for you, give me a call now to set up a meeting.

Call Suzanne Walter  at 720-220-8577.  My office is at 2008A  W. 120th Ste.8, Denver, CO  80234.  Or, email my Scheduler at “[email protected]” for potential appointment dates that might work for both of you.

Mediators are not legal advisors and cannot give legal advice.  I encourage parties to at least consult with an attorney.

2008 A W. 120th, Suite 7
Denver, CO 80234

P: 720-220-8577
E: [email protected]